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A year we started as a four and finished, as a five. A year we started with no school runs and finished, with 2 walks a day, no matter, what the weather. A year I started with a job and finished, drinking tea and watching netflix. A year I started without a Sausage Dog, and finished... without a Sausage Dog! We started the year with a kid covered in chicken pox and me heavily pregnant. By the end of the 1st week, the spots were gone and the baby was out! Our hectic start to 2019, should have warned of us, of the year to come. Baby 3 made her swift arrival into the world and then the family of 5, with 3 under 5 (just) started. She has been a perfect addition to our family and she's flying through milestones, walking at 10 months and making us laugh, every day. The elder two, took their role as big sisters, very seriously and have helped, more than hindered, as we've worked our way through, the tears, the teeth and the sleepless nights. Number one started her school jour

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